Monday, January 14, 2008

more of china

Me and some huge craving kinda thingy @ our hotel called 徽州酒店, there is this old ancient house right behind the hotel which we visit.

I like these details on the knocker of the doors.. i want one on mi door someday :)

the mirror reflects lulu n his brother.. intently discussing something I do not understand.

apparently.. the richer the person, the higher the wall he built.. this is to prevent his wife (wives) from running away when he is out doing business for long periods of time.

the courtyard with funny looking doorways.. talk about Chinese being pragmatic

The intricate cravings on the door, you could even see the expression on their faces!

a contrast: the old and the new

Front view of the old mansion I visited (heck, i really can't remember the name)

See the mud like remnants on the cravings? Apparently during the cultural revolution, the owners smeared the cravings with mud and wrote "long live chairman mao" to prevent the carvings from being destroyed. interesting.

2nd week of sch.
can't sleep. hot humid night. worrying about my fyp which is quite non-existent.
so. i decided to upload some of the nice nice pics i took during my trip to China~~ yay!
hope it would help lull me to sleep :)